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About Lifta

The village of Lifta was empties for its citizens during the war in 1948. Like other 700,000 and more Palestinians that were expelled or have escaped in 1948, the residents of Lifta were also banned from returning to their homes after the war and they all became refugees. On the contrary to the hundreds of Palestinian villages that were completely destroyed in the 60’s and 70’s, Lifta was not at all destroyed.  55 of the 450 houses in Lifta remained the same, and only in 13 of them live Jewish families. The village’s houses, standing empty on the mountain side, are a silent testimony of the hundreds of Palestinian villages that were destroyed and erased during 1948. The village’s lands and homes were declared in 1950 according to the absentee property law as state lands. The building plan in Lifta aims at building a new neighborhood on the lands, which will be called “Mey Neftoah”.


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Save the date: Lifta watch day, organized in collaboration with the World Monument Fund, on June 19th, 2019!

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